Here Comes the Boom 2020 | A Huge Success!
Last night was a huge success! We all needed a little “pick me up” and we were able to help with that.
The field was really a sight to see!
Friends playing cornhole...
Kids being kids (up past bedtime)...
Parents and grandparents taking a much needed break...
Birthday celebrations (2 that I know of)...
Lovebirds cuddled on blankets...
Patio umbrellas, grills, picnics...
Big trucks, sports cars, bikes...
Everyone, it was truly amazing. Just, wow.
Oh, and thank you for respecting the grounds and cleaning up afterwards. The fields were nearly spotless! 👍

Here Comes the Boom 2020 | The Only Fireworks in Westmoreland County!
Wisneski's and its owner, Marcus Wisneski, are giving back to the
community in a BIG way. Much like a Drive-In movie, spectators
are being invited to the Westmoreland Fairgrounds on the 4th of
July for a killer fireworks show.
Gates (entrance across from Ushack's) will open at 7pm.
The show will be set off at 10pm. Spectators are asked to stay on/in,
near their vehicles and abide by social distancing guidelines.
Spectators are also encouraged to reduce traffic by bringing as few
vehicles as possible. Truck beds with lawn chairs are an exceptional idea!
We are taking donations AS YOU PARK to give back to the local fire departments volunteering their time to traffic control and well as funding for the fair board who has had to close many events this year due to the pandemic. Please be as generous as you can as the show is 100% funded by Wisneski's but it has taken many others to turn this into a reality.
There will be Porta Johns on site. There are no vendors or other festivities so plan accordingly for kids. Grilling out or picnicking is encouraged; sparklers, glow sticks are allowed. No alcohol, drugs or foul language/music. This is a family event.
No access will be given to the fairground buildings or area behind the fence line.
Entrance will be across from Ushack's; follow ALL signs/volunteers and park as instructed. Exit will be at the main gate after the show.
Handicapped parking is available; parking tag or license must be shown.
STAY INFORMED by Liking and Following the Facebook Page.

In the News...
TribLive: Unity Businessman Plans 4th of July Fireworks at Westmoreland Fairgrounds
Pittsburgh CBS Local: July 4th Fireworks Celebrations in Western Pennsylvania: Where You Can Watch

Check Snapchat for the Official Filter During the Show

There is ONE entrance for the show - opening at 7pm. Entrance is located across from Ushack's.
Donations are highly encouraged and appreciated! They will be accepted by our volunteers before/while parking.
Follow traffic personal/firefighters upon entry. Park at an angle facing the arena area.
EXIT gate will be opened AFTER the finale' and show has ended - NO SOONER.
Part of the enjoyment is the sound of a cheerful crowd after the show. We invite you to hoot, holler, whistle and honk at the show's conclusion!